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Tibet at a Glance

Tibet, often referred to as "the Roof of the World," is a culturally rich and historically significant region located in Central Asia. Nestled in the Himalayan mountains, it is bordered by China, India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Myanmar. Tibet has a unique and ancient heritage deeply influenced by Tibetan Buddhism, which plays a central role in the lives of its people.


For centuries, Tibet remained an independent kingdom, ruled by a line of spiritual and political leaders known as Dalai Lamas. However, in the mid-20th century, China annexed Tibet, leading to significant political and cultural upheaval. The Chinese occupation has been a contentious issue, with many Tibetans advocating for autonomy and human rights. Despite the challenges, Tibetans have persevered to preserve their distinct culture, language, and traditions. Tibetan Buddhism has attracted global attention, with monasteries like the Potala Palace in Lhasa becoming iconic symbols of their spiritual heritage.


Tibet's stunning landscapes, including vast plateaus, majestic mountains, and sacred lakes, make it a captivating destination for travelers and explorers alike. However, access to Tibet for foreigners is often restricted by Chinese authorities, contributing to ongoing concerns about human rights and cultural preservation.


As Tibet continues to evolve in the 21st century, its people strive to maintain their unique identity and traditions while seeking a resolution to the complex political situation that has shaped their history.

Below are some fast facts to help you learn more about this unique, important place.


2.5 million square kilometres, which includes U-Tsang, Kham and Amdo provinces. “Tibet Autonomous Region”, consisting of U-Tsang and a small portion of Kham, consists of 1.2 million square kilometres. The bulk of Tibet lies outside the “TAR”.  (10th largest country in the world)




The total Tibetan population in Tibet is 6 million. Of them, 2.09 million live in the “TAR” and the rest in the Tibetan areas outside the “TAR”.


Tibetan Buddhism is practiced by 99 percent of the Tibetan population; Bon, the traditional religion, along with Islam and Christianity, are practiced by some Tibetans


Tibetan (of the Tibeto-Burmese language family); since China’s occupation, the official language has been Chinese

Average Altitude

Major Rivers

4,000 metres or 13,000 feet above sea level.

Tibetan antelope, wild yak, wild ass and Tibetan argali, blue sheep, black-necked crane, Tibetan gazelle, giant panda, red panda, golden monkey.


Snow lions with red and blue rays; the flag is outlawed inside Tibet.



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