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Map of Tibet

 TIBET here means the whole of Tibet known as Cholka-Sum (U-Tsang, Kham and Amdo). It includes the present-day Chinese administrative areas of the so-called Tibet Autonomous Region, Qinghai Province, two Tibetan Autonomous Prefectures and one Tibetan Autonomous County in Sichuan Province, one Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and one Tibetan Autonomous County in Gansu Province and one Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province.

Map of Tibet

The Map of Tibet is a visual representation of the awe-inspiring region known as the "Roof of the World." Located in Central Asia, Tibet is characterized by its vast high-altitude plateaus, majestic mountain ranges, and numerous sacred lakes and rivers. The map showcases Tibet's unique geographical features and its cultural significance.


At its heart lies Lhasa, the capital city and spiritual center of Tibet, where the iconic Potala Palace stands as a symbol of Tibetan Buddhism. Surrounding Lhasa are numerous monasteries, stupas, and temples, each holding deep spiritual and historical importance.


The map traces the flow of the mighty Brahmaputra (Yarlung Tsangpo) River, which is not only essential for Tibetans' livelihoods but also deeply ingrained in their mythology and spiritual practices.


Tibet shares borders with several countries, including China, India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Myanmar. These borders have been historically significant and have shaped Tibet's interactions with its neighbors and the rest of the world.


As one explores the map, it becomes evident that Tibet is not only a geographical entity but also a treasure trove of cultural heritage. Tibetan Buddhism, with its vibrant monastic life, intricate thangka paintings, and chanting rituals, permeates every corner of the region.

Tibet's landscape is adorned with serene lakes such as Yamdrok Lake and Namtso Lake, reflecting the azure skies and snow-capped mountains. Each of these natural wonders holds sacred significance and captivates visitors with its breathtaking beauty.


However, despite its natural and cultural splendor, Tibet has faced political challenges and has been a topic of global concern due to its occupation by China. The map serves as a reminder of Tibet's complex history and ongoing struggle for autonomy and human rights.


The Map of Tibet is not merely a collection of geographical coordinates; it's a glimpse into the soul of a resilient and deeply spiritual people, whose unique identity and heritage have captivated the world for centuries.

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